England collapse completes dismal abdication of World Cup crown | Ali Martin

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A batting lineup that once set a new bar in 50-over cricket has become a shadow of its former self with golden chapter over

Flakier than a freshly baked paratha on Bengaluru’s teeming Church Street and gobbled up gleefully by Sri Lanka, this England display was not so much a case of their World Cup crown slipping at the Chinnaswamy Stadium as a full‑blown abdication.

In a must-win game to keep already wafer-thin hopes alive, the good old positives were early and fleeting. Jos Buttler won the toss and, after twice seeing the notion of being a chasing side torched, elected to bat. There was then a first-ball reprieve for Jonny Bairstow, Sri Lanka declining to review an lbw, and a 45-run stand with Dawid Malan.

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Written by Ali Martin
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2023/oct/26/england-sri-lanka-world-cup-cricket-jos-buttler-joe-root under the title “England collapse completes dismal abdication of World Cup crown | Ali Martin”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.