England scent whitewash after Jason Roy hammers Australia again

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• Fourth ODI: Australia 310-8; England 314-4
• England win by 6 wickets after Roy and Bairstow put on 174

And so the mayhem continues. Jason Roy and Jonny Bairstow relentlessly turned the screw on a sunlit evening at Chester-le Street that made the floodlights redundant – they had been switched on between the innings even though there was almost four hours of daylight remaining.

However, there was no obvious daylight for this forlorn Australia side, whose solitary success on this tour has been their impeccable behaviour. Even in this climate that is unlikely to satisfy the hard-baked Aussies back home, if they bother to acknowledge the existence of this expedition, which has one more 50-over match, at Old Trafford on Sunday, and one Twenty20 to run.

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Written by Vic Marks at Emirates Riverside
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/21/england-scent-whitewash-jason-roy-australia under the title “England scent whitewash after Jason Roy hammers Australia again”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.