England v Australia: first ODI – live!

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More emails in keeping with the theme so far. “I really don’t understand any attempt NOT to upset the Australians,” writes Vincent O’Connor. “They cheated. As a team. They should be reminded of how unacceptable that is at every opportunity. I suggest there is a replay of Bancroft roughing up the ball on the big screen between each over.”

So, mental disintegration? As someone who was in South Africa, trust me, that doesn’t always end well. Be careful what you wish for.

Paine and Langer tell Nasser Hussain for @skysportscric that Aust road to Newlands started via “not living by our behaviours” for years and was due to Steve Smith not being “strong enough” in his leadership #ENGvAUS pic.twitter.com/gkPxnAbWLn

So, what do you need to know about Michael Neser? Glad you asked, I wrote about the other week.

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Written by Adam Collins (now) and Daniel Harris (later)
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/jun/13/england-v-australia-first-odi-live under the title “England v Australia: first ODI – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.