Even as a building site the refitted Headingley retains her charm

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Redevelopment has become commonplace at the Test venues of England, with cricket moving out of grounds and into arenas

Jos Buttler’s second six flew straight past the television cameras on their temporary gantry, high over the building works and into the rugby ground beyond. It was a thing of beauty, even if the barren concrete of the empty half‑built stand added a sprinkling of 21st‑century bathos.

The clank of hammer on a half-cooked redevelopment has become common as cricket grounds compete to upgrade and refit; earn and hold on to their Test status. The haphazard enlargement of Headingley over the years has made her an unprepossessing but good-natured old girl. She is a little careworn about the edges, with a bit of extra heft here and there, but there is a twinkle in her eye and a sharpness to her very expensive new shoes.

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Written by Tanya Aldred at Headingley
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/jun/04/building-site-refitted-headingley-cricket-retains-charm-yorkshire under the title “Even as a building site the refitted Headingley retains her charm”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.