Facebook banned on Pokhara Metropolitan city

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The Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan Municipality has banned the use of Facebook at the office. The Metropolis banned the employees on using Facebook saying that there may be problem with the flow of services if the employees are involved on social network.

Facebook is closed in the direction of Mayor Man Bahadur GC, after the complaint of service flows affecting employees’ mobile, laptops and desktops. Mayor GC said,” To work at office at work, not staying with Facebook,” said the Facebook, “We have stopped social media for the better flow of the service.”

Ashok Dharee, information technology officer, said the internet connected to the Metropolitan office is unable to get Facebook from 10 am to 4 pm.

According to him, this step has been made to drop Facebook. The Metropolitan Municipality said that action will be taken for the employees found using Facebook during the office hour.

According to Mayor JC, the action will be taken immediately even employee is found using Facebook from personal mobile data. Facebook is blocked on the office internet’s router.