Freddie Burns’ nightmare finish hands Toulouse victory over Bath

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• Bath 20-22 Toulouse
• Burns’ misses late chance after celebrating too early

Professional sport is a trying business, but it is difficult to imagine a more psychologically traumatic experience than the one Freddie Burns endured in the space of three minutes here. He contrived in the dying minutes to miss as easy a pair of opportunities to win a match that sport can offer, let alone the professional variety.

Bath were trailing by two points with seven minutes to play when they were awarded a penalty in front of the posts. Burns stepped up but hit the post. Bad. But nothing compared to what followed.

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Written by Michael Aylwin at the Rec
This news first appeared on under the title “Freddie Burns’ nightmare finish hands Toulouse victory over Bath”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.