How the Guardian ranked the 100 best male footballers in the world 2022

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Maicon, Jan Åge Fjørtoft and Fatih Terim were part of the voting panel for selecting the best players on the planet in 2022

It is a bit later than normal – due to a World Cup that finished in December – but this week we are ready to present our list of the 100 best male footballers in the world in 2022. Football luminaries such as Maicon, Fatih Terim and Avram Grant joined the judges’ panel for our 11th edition.

Former players such as Jan Åge Fjørtoft and Ricardo Rocha also join a selection of coaches, broadcasters, reporters, correspondents and editors from around the world to form a knowledgable and truly global jury.

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Written by Marcus Christenson
This news first appeared on under the title “How the Guardian ranked the 100 best male footballers in the world 2022”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.