Hudson-Smith takes 400m record into final but Muir fades to sixth in 1500m

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  • Hudson-Smith breaks Schönlebe’s 1987 European record in semi
  • Muir finishes sixth in final as Kipyegon picks up third world title

Most scars eventually heal, but some sting and linger more than others. That is something that Laura Muir and Matthew Hudson-Smith can testify after a night of contrasting fortunes for two of Britain’s best athletes.

Muir, a 2021 Olympics and 2022 world medallist, arrived in Budapest trying to convince herself she was in the best form of her life despite a split from her longstanding coach Andy Young. But, in a stacked women’s 1500m final, the reality was painfully different. When the action heated up in the final lap she had nothing more left in the tank as she finished sixth in 3min 58.58sec.

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Written by Sean Ingle in Budapest
This news first appeared on under the title “Hudson-Smith takes 400m record into final but Muir fades to sixth in 1500m”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.