It is time for Neymar to start playing for the team, not himself | Marcel Desailly

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Brazil are one of the favourites who have got off to a bad start at the World Cup. That is partly because the so-called smaller nations have belief but also because of Neymar’s struggles

The most striking aspect of the opening week of this World Cup has surely been the difficulty many of the tournament favourites have had to win their games. Something has changed. And the key words here are “intensity” and “belief”.

Smaller nations now believe in their capacity to cause problems and to challenge the traditional powers of world football. I was struck, for example, by the terrible disappointment of the Tunisians after losing to England. These so-called smaller nations really have the belief they can do something against the big boys.

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Written by Marcel Desailly
This news first appeared on under the title “It is time for Neymar to start playing for the team, not himself | Marcel Desailly”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.