‘I’ve got no limits’: world’s fastest accountant sets sights on Olympics

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Eugene Amo-Dadzie is banking on a golden summer in Paris away from the day job after his belated breakthrough at the age of 31

“I have no idea what my ceiling is,” says Eugene Amo-Dadzie, AKA the world’s fastest accountant, as he starts to dream about the next chapter of his extraordinary journey and the Paris Olympics. “I have a beautiful story. And I am just going to keep rocking and rolling.”

The old adage is that life begins at 30, but it rarely applies in sport. Yet last June, Amo-Dadzie stunned everyone by crashing through the 10-second barrier for 100m for the first time, before qualifying for his first World Athletics Championships at the age of 31.

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/jan/24/worlds-fastest-accountant-paris-olympics-eugene-amo-dadzie-athletics under the title “‘I’ve got no limits’: world’s fastest accountant sets sights on Olympics”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.