Jeff Stelling: ‘Every week I was fighting a battle and it was making me ill’

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Football broadcaster reflects on ending his Soccer Saturday career, his relationship with Chris Kamara and diversity in football

‘Oh, it’s crazy,” Jeff Stelling says wryly as he ticks off the list of towns he is visiting on tour, like a 68-year-old football broadcaster turned rock star. “I’ve been plodding my way from Southampton to Southend,” and then on to Croydon before, “[this] week it’s Truro, Yeovil and Christchurch. It goes on and on but, while I wouldn’t say it was rough round the edges, it will get better as the weeks pass. At least, that’s the hope.”

At every venue, including the Scarborough Spa and the Winding Well Theatre in Chesterfield a few weeks from now, wags in the audience will punctuate An Evening with Jeff Stelling by yelling out a favourite catchphrase. “On the opening night in Southampton,” Stelling says, “it happened half a dozen times, en route to the theatre and within the theatre as well. Everybody shouts ‘Unbelievable Jeff!’ as if they’re the first to have said it.”

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Written by Donald McRae
This news first appeared on under the title “Jeff Stelling: ‘Every week I was fighting a battle and it was making me ill’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.