Jos Buttler says openness is key to overcoming life in the tour bubble

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  • England depart for South Africa tour on Monday evening
  • Squad will not go outside hotels or stadiums during 25-day trip

Jos Buttler urged any teammates struggling with bubble life this winter to speak up as the England squad gathered for their overnight departure for South Africa on Monday.

A 25-day trip that comprises three Twenty20s and three ODIs might not appear taxing on paper but it is England’s first away tour since the Covid-19 pandemic struck and begins a winter of up to four assignments that will be spent solely in the confines of hotels and cricket grounds.

“We won’t get to fully enjoy South Africa as we usually would but I think everyone has become accustomed to what it’s going to be like,” said Buttler, England’s white-ball vice-captain, before the team’s charter flight to Cape Town.

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Written by Ali Martin
This news first appeared on under the title “Jos Buttler says openness is key to overcoming life in the tour bubble”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.