Lewis Hamilton goes for F1 title glory in US GP – live!

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Before the off in Texas, a few final thoughts from Hamilton, who has his eyes on a fifth title. “I woke up this morning thinking there’s so much potential for today,” the Mercedes, who starts on pole ahead of Räikkönen, says. “I’m about to give it everything.”

The cars are being fired up on the grid, post-national anthem. It is not only Hamilton licking his lips as the race approaches, with Red Bull driver Verstappen, relegated to 18th on the grid, feeling as buoyant as ever: “It would always be better to start at the front, but we have to try and go clean through the traffic. We are targeting sixth, but we want more than that.”

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Written by Ben Fisher
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/oct/21/lewis-hamilton-goes-for-f1-title-glory-in-us-gp-live under the title “Lewis Hamilton goes for F1 title glory in US GP – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.