Lewis Hamilton wins Russian Grand Prix but is unhappy with team orders

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• Victory sealed after Mercedes order Bottas to let Briton pass
• Vettel finishes third as Hamilton extends lead to 50 points

Should Lewis Hamilton go on to secure the world championship this year, his win at the Russian Grand Prix will be the only victory in a superlative season from which he will take no pleasure. His victory, ensured the moment Mercedes employed orders allowing him to pass his teammate, Valtteri Bottas, proved an ill-sitting success defined by the decidedly uncelebratory figures of the Mercedes drivers on the podium as well as their team below them.

Hamilton has been explicit in the past in his desire for the team not to employ orders and was uncomfortable with their use in Russia after he took the flag in front of Bottas.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/sep/30/lewis-hamilton-wins-russian-grand-prix-mercedes-team-orders-sebastian-vettel under the title “Lewis Hamilton wins Russian Grand Prix but is unhappy with team orders”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.