Lewis Hamilton’s hunger remains as he targets record sixth British GP | Giles Richards

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Mercedes driver is in no mood to slacken off as the F1 records tumble and even Michael Schumacher’s numbers are in view

So long has Lewis Hamilton been dealing in the currency of success there is a sense of late that each successive transaction makes a lesser impact than the last. Such has been the British driver’s dominance he has made the exceptional seem almost matter of fact. At this weekend’s British Grand Prix another record is within his grasp. In a season he has already bent to his will Silverstone may once again fall to a relentless pursuit of success that has driven him since he entered Formula One.

A sell-out crowd of more than 140,000 will be watching him on Sunday as he attempts to become the first driver to win six British grands prix, eclipsing Jim Clark and Alain Prost, fellow five-time winners. For the fans here there will be no shortage of appreciation of his talent. Like Tiger Woods at his peak Hamilton is operating on a different plane from his rivals and is embracing the racing with buoyant abandon.

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Written by Giles Richards at Silverstone
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/jul/12/lewis-hamilton-record-british-gp-win-f1 under the title “Lewis Hamilton’s hunger remains as he targets record sixth British GP | Giles Richards”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.