Losing my cricket religion but can novelty of baseball fill the gap? | Matthew Engel

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As Britain’s summer sport continues its slump, the narrative and brevity of its US cousin increases in appeal

A sporting series of astonishing power, passion, tension and intensity was played out in New York this week. Baseball’s great traditional rivals, the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox, played three games that each swung violently. Finally – while Britain slept on Friday morning – the Sox, having lost two, clung on breathlessly for a consolation win in the third.

This was not the World Series, or anything like it. It was, in theory, a routine part of the regular fixture list barely one-fifth of the way through the season. These teams will reconvene at intervals throughout the long, customarily hot, summer. It just happens that they are currently the two most successful, as well as most resonant, teams in baseball. And, after this week’s events, they are tied for the lead in their division, the American League East, way ahead of all rivals.

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Written by Matthew Engel
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/may/11/losing-my-cricket-religion-but-can-the-novelty-of-baseball-fill-the-gap under the title “Losing my cricket religion but can novelty of baseball fill the gap? | Matthew Engel”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.