Manchester City overcome Red Star scare in Champions League opener

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Who can stop Manchester City retaining the Champions League? This is a question many will ponder and for which Red Star Belgrade had no answer. By the end of this opening group game that is. Because, 45 minutes in, Serbia’s champions of the past six years led and threatened to do what Lyon were the last to do five years ago to the day: defeat Pep Guardiola’s side, in Europe, at their home.

Yet City are the masters of refusing to be beaten and so cue two Julián Álvarez strikes minutes into the second half which overturned Red Star’s advantage, broke them, and had Guardiola’s men coasting before Rodri applied the coup de grace.

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Written by Jamie Jackson at the Etihad Stadium
This news first appeared on under the title “Manchester City overcome Red Star scare in Champions League opener”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.