Manchester City’s Trumpian tactics spotlight autocratic creep in football | Barney Ronay

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As club’s powerful owners rail against ‘the elites’ in legal battle with Premier League, there is a looming danger to the game

Here we are then, at last. The chrysalis has finally hatched. The thing that was always going to be the thing has now become the thing. Welcome to a very Premier League kind of coup.

As news emerged of Manchester City’s potentially devastating legal case against English football’s top tier it was tempting to see a kind of parable. Here we have a league founded out of greed, for the future benefit of greed, which now finds itself threatened with internal detonation by – yes – greed. Invite a tiger in for tea and the tiger might be fun. But it’s also still a tiger. And in the end it’s going to eat you too.

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Written by Barney Ronay
This news first appeared on under the title “Manchester City’s Trumpian tactics spotlight autocratic creep in football | Barney Ronay”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.