Max Verstappen wins US F1 GP but Hamilton and Leclerc disqualified

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Having put in a real shift to win the US Grand Prix there was no little irony that it was at this race, amid an all-conquering season, that Max Verstappen was greeted with booing as he took to the podium. A shame, as it was undeserved. He won for the 50th time under the sort of pressure he has not encountered all year.

Verstappen has cantered to many of his 15 wins this season, a dominance that doubtless informed the reaction of fans at the Circuit of the Americas who gave him some stick as he collected the trophy but of those 15, this was one he had to earn.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Max Verstappen wins US F1 GP but Hamilton and Leclerc disqualified”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.