Michael Knighton: ‘I have been perceived as a charlatan or circus act’

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Thirty years after his keepie-uppies at Manchester United, Knighton tells of his regrets, foresight and being underappreciated

“Don’t expect to recognise me from those pictures on the pitch 30 years ago,” Michael Knighton advises on the telephone before our meeting in a Pennines hotel. “I’m an OAP now. You’ll be looking for a fat, balding little man in his late 60s.”

In the event there are no problems with identification. Oddly enough, no one else in the small Yorkshire village happens to be dressed in immaculate three-piece suit, collar and tie. Knighton will always be recognisable anyway, because the manner in which he introduced himself at Old Trafford provided an image just as iconic and easily recalled as anything else from the turbulent and eventful year of 1989.

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Written by Paul Wilson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/nov/27/michael-knighton-manchester-united-keepie-uppies-interview under the title “Michael Knighton: ‘I have been perceived as a charlatan or circus act’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.