Michael Masi removed from role as Formula One race director

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  • Australian had been under fire after controversial season finale
  • Eduardo Freitas and Niels Wittich replace Masi in race control

The FIA has dismissed Michael Masi as Formula One’s race director after his role in the controversial finale to last season’s championship-deciding Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The sport’s governing body is to replace Masi with two new personnel, Eduardo Freitas and Niels Wittich, and has introduced a series of new structures, including a standalone race control unit to function similarly to VAR in football.

The FIA has not, however, published the report of its investigation into what happened in Abu Dhabi and Masi’s level of culpability in making decisions that decided the world championship in Max Verstappen’s favour, ahead of Lewis Hamilton.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/feb/17/michael-masi-removed-from-role-as-formula-one-race-director under the title “Michael Masi removed from role as Formula One race director”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.