More Horner woe and driver gossip: what to look out for as F1 hits Japan | Giles Richards

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Red Bull’s ongoing saga appears to be unsettling the paddock with a potential driver reshuffle on the cards

The issue that has dominated F1 all season shows no sign of going away, much as the beleaguered Red Bull team principal, Christian Horner, would like to draw a line under it. On Tuesday the female employee who brought allegations of inappropriate behaviour against Horner was described by a family friend as angry and intimidated but determined that the truth would come out, once more putting Horner and Red Bull under focus.

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Written by Giles Richards in Suzuka
This news first appeared on under the title “More Horner woe and driver gossip: what to look out for as F1 hits Japan | Giles Richards”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.