My favourite game: Germany v Italy, 2006 World Cup semi-final | Nicky Bandini

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An intense, relentless, brilliant encounter that exhausted those playing, watching and commentating

False memories are a known psychological phenomenon. Sometimes, when we think back on past events, we remember incorrect details with certainty, our brains blending truth and untruth: things we witnessed first-hand with stories we have been told since.

Is it still right to call the memory false, though, if we have deliberately allowed it to be distorted in this way? I know I watched Italy’s 2006 World Cup semi-final win over Germany on ITV, on a shared television in temporary halls of residence at Highbury College in Portsmouth. I was studying for my NCTJ journalism qualifications and we had been booted out of our previous accommodation due to a double-booking right before starting our exams.

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Written by Nicky Bandini
This news first appeared on under the title “My favourite game: Germany v Italy, 2006 World Cup semi-final | Nicky Bandini”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.