Nigel Pearson worried about fatality if Premier League resumes

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  • Watford manager’s reservations over ‘Project Restart’
  • Norwich’s Grant Hanley also expresses doubts

The Watford manager Nigel Pearson has raised concerns about a coronavirus-related death in the Premier League and urged caution before a decision is made about whether to resume the season.

Clubs could be back in some form of training next week following a Premier League meeting on Monday, when medical protocols will be discussed and voted on, while the campaign could be up and running again by mid-June. Pearson has some reservations about “Project Restart” and called for a more pragmatic approach with the country still very much in the grip of a pandemic.

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Written by PA Media
This news first appeared on under the title “Nigel Pearson worried about fatality if Premier League resumes”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.