Nottingham Forest’s Steve Cooper hits out at Richarlison’s ball-juggling antics

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Steve Cooper was deeply unimpressed by Richarlison’s juggling antics during Nottingham Forest’s defeat by Tottenham on Sunday evening. With Spurs 2-0 up late in the game, Richarlison began to taunt the Forest defenders by juggling the ball on the left wing, to howls of derision from the home crowd.

“I wouldn’t want my players to do that, what Richarlison did,” the Nottingham Forest manager said. “If that is accepted at Spurs that is nothing to do with me, but it wouldn’t be accepted here.”

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Written by Jonathan Liew at the City Ground
This news first appeared on under the title “Nottingham Forest’s Steve Cooper hits out at Richarlison’s ball-juggling antics”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.