Olly Woodburn and Jack Nowell inspire rampant Exeter to crush Bristol

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  • Bristol 14-50 Exeter
  • Chiefs score seven tries in bonus-point Premiership victory

Exeter returned to the scene of their greatest triumph to secure their most convincing win of the Premiership season to date. The Chiefs, with nine starting survivors from the team who won the European Cup on this same pitch almost exactly two years ago, proved too strong and resourceful for their outgunned hosts, with the wingers Jack Nowell and Olly Woodburn sharing four of their seven tries.

It was a sobering night all round for the Bears, who faded badly after a promising start and increasingly could not cope with Exeter’s multidimensional threats. Bristol’s Ellis Genge had a particularly frustrating evening, being warned for dissent having already been sent to the sin-bin for an illegal clear-out, but none of the home squad will recall this game with much affection.

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Written by Robert Kitson at Ashton Gate
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/oct/07/bristol-exeter-premiership-rugby-union-match-report under the title “Olly Woodburn and Jack Nowell inspire rampant Exeter to crush Bristol”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.