Owen Farrell voices concern over Six Nations being taken off free-to-air TV

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Owen Farrell fears the prospect of losing the Six Nations on free-to-air television would be a “real challenge” for the sport to maintain its audience if the championship went behind a paywall.

The England captain expressed his concern the day after the BBC’s head of sport, Barbara Slater, warned the culture, media and sport select committee that the corporation may not be able to afford the rights to televise matches in the future.

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Written by Andy Bull
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/nov/22/owen-farrell-voices-concern-over-six-nations-being-taken-off-free-to-air-tv under the title “Owen Farrell voices concern over Six Nations being taken off free-to-air TV”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.