Premier League and beyond: 10 things to look out for this weekend

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Luton and Burnley fans on the receiving end, the Asian Cup and Afcon kick off and big weekends for Birmingham and Portsmouth

It is hardly breaking news that the interests of match-going fans are not given a second thought by TV companies but Luton’s 400-mile round trip to Burnley on Friday night is a staggering insult nonetheless. The game was chosen for the televised Monday night slot in October, with the caveat it could be switched to Friday or Sunday depending on whether the clubs had an FA Cup replay or Burnley reached the Carabao Cup semi-finals. Confirmation of the rearranged date arrived with Luton’s third-round draw against Bolton on Sunday. As Tony Scholes from Up the Clarets said: “To be sat waiting for the result of a game to decide the date of the next game less than a week later is totally unacceptable.” The Football Supporters’ Association added: “We’ve raised this problem with leagues, broadcasters and the authorities repeatedly but little progress has been made. We are going to keep banging this drum. TV selections should not come with multiple caveats – supporters need to have certainty about when games are being played so they can make their arrangements in good time. If a game is at risk of being moved twice or more we don’t think it should be eligible for selection – simple as that.” Andy Hunter

Burnley v Luton, Premier League, Friday 7.45pm (all times GMT)

The Asian Cup kicks off with Qatar v Lebanon, Friday 4pm

Chelsea v Fulham, Premier League, Saturday 12.30pm

Birmingham v Swansea, Championship, Saturday 3pm

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Written by Guardian sport
This news first appeared on under the title “Premier League and beyond: 10 things to look out for this weekend”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.