Qatar World Cup chief says ‘death is a part of life’ after reported worker death

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  • Filipino migrant worker reportedly dies at training site
  • Comments condemned by human rights groups

The chief executive of the Qatar World Cup has been condemned by human rights groups for saying “death is a natural part of life – whether it’s at work, whether it’s in your sleep”, when asked about a migrant worker’s death at the tournament.

On Wednesday it was reported that a Filipino national contracted to fix lights in a car park at the Sealine Resort, the training site for the Saudi Arabia national team, had died after he “slipped off a ramp while walking alongside a vehicle and fell headfirst against concrete”.

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Written by Sean Ingle in Doha
This news first appeared on under the title “Qatar World Cup chief says ‘death is a part of life’ after reported worker death”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.