RFU increases sanction for abuse of officials as survey finds 49% targeted

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  • Offenders can expect to receive longer suspensions
  • World Cup final referee and TMO have stepped away

Almost 50% of match officials surveyed by the Rugby Football Union have said they have been subjected to abuse in recent seasons – prompting the introduction of stricter punishments at all levels of the game including the Premiership, the Guardian can reveal.

Amid fears that the level of abuse is causing officials to leave the sport, the RFU has brought in “aggravated sanctions” for offenders, who will have their suspensions further extended by two, three or four weeks depending on the severity of the initial charge. The stricter punishments come after two of the RFU’s highest profile officials, Wayne Barnes and Tom Foley, cited abuse on social media as reasons for stepping away.

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Written by Exclusive by Gerard Meagher
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/jan/09/rfu-increases-sanction-for-abuse-of-officials-as-survey-finds-49-targeted under the title “RFU increases sanction for abuse of officials as survey finds 49% targeted”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.