Roy Hodgson has few words to share as Palace’s gentle decline continues | Jonathan Liew

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The Premier League veteran has been battling with an injury crisis, but his quiet arrogant streak may soon cost him his job

The full-time whistle blows at the Emirates: the trigger for roughly 400 coaches, stewards, broadcasters, support staff and various other items of football’s background scenery to swarm the pitch. Roy Hodgson folds his glasses into a coat pocket and stands on the touchline, gazing bleakly out into the maelstrom, looking – as he often does these days – like a man reminiscing about a sandwich he once had in 1962. A cameraman spots the opportunity for the perfectly framed shot; he wheels around Hodgson and captures him from behind, staring out at a distant banner in the Crystal Palace end:


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Written by Jonathan Liew at the Emirates Stadium
This news first appeared on under the title “Roy Hodgson has few words to share as Palace’s gentle decline continues | Jonathan Liew”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.