Saracens lacking safety certificate to admit 10,000 or more fans to stadium

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  • Club restricted despite opening of new west stand this season
  • Questions raised about Premiership promotion criteria

Saracens are not able to safely admit 10,000 or more supporters to their stadium because they do not have the necessary certificate, the Guardian can reveal, raising questions over the stringent criteria that govern promotion to the Premiership.

When Saracens won promotion back to the Premiership in June 2021 they had to be given special dispensation to compete in last season’s top flight because their ground was being developed and its capacity was below 10,000. This season, Saracens have opened their newly renovated west stand, taking the capacity back above that mark, but because they do not have the relevant safety certificate, they can only safely admit 9,999 supporters. The attendances for Saracens’ three home matches this season have been 9,212, 9,428 and 9,010.

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Written by Exclusive by Gerard Meagher
This news first appeared on under the title “Saracens lacking safety certificate to admit 10,000 or more fans to stadium”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.