Saracens turn focus on recapturing Premiership title from Exeter | Robert Kitson

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This year there will be no distractions as the European champions attempt to regain the domestic crown from last season’s surprise package

This time last year Wasps and Munster had just finished ahead of the rest of the Premiership and Pro 12 respectively and had every reason to believe they could translate that success into silverware. Three weeks later they watched Exeter and Scarlets lift the two trophies instead, a harsh reminder of the sizeable difference between the marathon regular season and the play‑off sprint.

That crucially important lesson will not be lost on this year’s table toppers – Exeter, Glasgow and Leinster – all of whom appreciate that nine months of relentless toil can quite easily be undermined in the sunshine of May. The trick is to take a fresh mental guard and remember final league positions guarantee nothing beyond European qualification for next season.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on under the title “Saracens turn focus on recapturing Premiership title from Exeter | Robert Kitson”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.