Simone Biles magic leads USA to world gymnastics championships gold medal

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  • Biles’ searing floor routine draws standing ovation
  • Britain in sixth with Brazil second and France third

Two years after she was forced to withdraw from the Olympic team final and spent the remainder of the night on the sidelines, this time Simone Biles competed right until the end.

Charged with closing out another gold medal after a challenging evening of injuries and uncertainty, Biles showed steely nerves. She marched through a spectacular routine, drawing a standing ovation from the Antwerp crowd as the United States clinched a sixth consecutive team gold medal at the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships with a score of 167.729.

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Written by Tumaini Carayol in Antwerp
This news first appeared on under the title “Simone Biles magic leads USA to world gymnastics championships gold medal”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.