Siya Kolisi: ‘We represent something much bigger than we can imagine’

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South Africa’s inspirational first black Test captain Siya Kolisi has the ability to bridge the country’s racial divide

Siya Kolisi knows the meaning of what it truly is to suffer. As a small boy surviving in the township of Zwide near Port Elizabeth on South Africa’s east coast, he ate irregularly. His grandmother and young mother were unable to put food on the table every day. It was proper, aching hunger, something no child in the 21st century should have to experience.

Kolisi’s mother, Phakama, was 16 when Siya was born; his father, Fezakele, was in his final year of school. After giving birth to two more children from another relationship, Phakama died when Kolisi was 15 leaving his late grandmother, Nolulamile, to raise him.

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Written by Craig Ray
This news first appeared on under the title “Siya Kolisi: ‘We represent something much bigger than we can imagine’”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.