‘Special feeling’: Harry Kane already looking forward to home Euro 2028

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Harry Kane says he will be driven to win Euro 2028 on home soil by the pain that England felt as co-hosts two years ago. The captain’s immediate priority is to triumph at the tournament in Germany next summer but he talked of a “special feeling” after England were awarded the finals – along with the other home nations and Ireland – that come after that.

Kane will always be haunted by England’s penalty shootout defeat against Italy in the final of the previous European Championship at Wembley. The 2028 final is expected to be held at the same stadium and he was asked whether his emotions took in unfinished business. “I think so,” Kane said. “We were so close to doing something really magical in the last Euros.

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Written by David Hytner
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/oct/10/harry-kane-england-home-euro-2028 under the title “‘Special feeling’: Harry Kane already looking forward to home Euro 2028”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.