Talking Horses: after Goodwood brawl, safety is priority at Chester

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In the wake of a nasty fight at Goodwood, Chester’s chief executive discusses how his team tackles antisocial behaviour

The encouraging news, for those of us worried about antisocial behaviour at the racecourse in the wake of what happened at Goodwood, is that such issues are evidently taken very seriously by officials at Chester, which will be a very busy venue for the next three days. Richard Thomas, Chester’s chief executive, tells me they will have 16 police officers on site as well as “very visible, very obvious security”, involving 350 security guards by his estimate.

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Written by Chris Cook
This news first appeared on under the title “Talking Horses: after Goodwood brawl, safety is priority at Chester”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.