Telusa Veainu completes Leicester’s comeback for draw against Harlequins

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Two teams played here as if they had forgotten how to win. In the end, they forgot how to lose as well. A 30-30 cliffhanger might suggest rather more quality than was on show here, at the Big Game Whatever Number That Is Now. The truth is Quins threw this game away, but scraps from the table is all Leicester are after these days. They duly took them, Telusa Veainu levelling the scores with five minutes to go, after Leicester had trailed 27-13 on the hour.

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Written by Michael Aylwin at Twickenham
This news first appeared on under the title “Telusa Veainu completes Leicester’s comeback for draw against Harlequins”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.