The Mac Allister family: friends with Maradona to a World Cup with Messi

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Carlos Javier Mac Allister played with Diego Maradona for Argentina, now he’s watching his son link up with Lionel Messi

“I cried,” Carlos Javier Mac Allister admits and then he falls silent. Five seconds pass before he continues, or tries to. “I cry often,” he adds, swallowing and stopping again, taking a breath. “But …” He raises a hand to his eye, pressing gently, and eight seconds go by. “I try to be alone.” There’s another pause, longer this time, that moment, the moment, repeated in his mind.

“If you’re a father, you know,” he says eventually, his voice breaking.

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Written by Sid Lowe in Doha
This news first appeared on under the title “The Mac Allister family: friends with Maradona to a World Cup with Messi”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.