The Open 2019: first round – live!

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Clarke settles for par on 2, though he very nearly snaked in a birdie putt from the fringe at the back. He looks in the mood to cash in years of experience round here for tangible reward. He remains at -1. But he’s joined in the early lead by James Sugrue, the 22-year-old Amateur Champion playing the par-five in textbook fashion, two long and straight shots to find the green, a couple of calm putts to make his birdie. And so the Open, for what it’s worth at this infant stage, is now led by a former champion and an amateur.

-1: Clarke (2), Sugrue -a- (2)
E: Hoffman (2), Grillo (1), Kang (1), Thurloway -a- (1)

Clarke’s drive at the par-five 2nd dribbles into a bunker down the left, and he won’t be able to go for the green with his second. After splashing back out onto the fairway, he takes a pensive draw from a delicious morning cigarette. But his stress levels will be nothing on poor Andy Sullivan: the 33-year-old from Nuneaton, who tied for 12th at Troon three years ago, hooks his opening drive out of bounds down the left. A horror start. He’s the first to do so, but almost certainly won’t be the last, as there’s OB running down both sides of 1. If you’re feeling tight, it’s tight.

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Written by Scott Murray
This news first appeared on under the title “The Open 2019: first round – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.