The Spin | Barmy Army is more than just booze and brass as Pakistan tour beckons

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The England fan group supports Test cricket, local economies and charities. Why are some people in the game still so sniffy?

The casual cricket fan – particularly one who avoids social media – could conceivably think England’s Barmy Army remains a wholly amateur affair.

A regular run of printed T-shirts, perhaps, and an uncomfortably large WhatsApp group. A scratch brass quartet and a couple of organised types who block-book flights to the Caribbean or Cape Town. That would be about the size of it; or so the uninitiated may believe.

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Written by Luke McLaughlin
This news first appeared on under the title “The Spin | Barmy Army is more than just booze and brass as Pakistan tour beckons”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.