Thunderous final proves we are living in a golden age of club rugby | Michael Aylwin

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Leinster and Toulouse delivered an exhilarating spectacle that more than lived up to this match’s billing as a battle for the ages

For the third time in nigh on 30 years, a European final goes to extra-time. For a third time in four years a final features a red card. For the third time in a row Leinster lose in the final. And, for the sixth time, Toulouse win.

There was a feeling before this match that we might be witnessing two of the great club sides of modern times. That feeling was no less palpable by the end of another breathtaking event to decorate this remarkable era of exhilarating rugby.

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Written by Michael Aylwin at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
This news first appeared on under the title “Thunderous final proves we are living in a golden age of club rugby | Michael Aylwin”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.