Tour bites back at Chris Froome after farce of Lance Armstrong’s return

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Chris Froome takes his chance with an appeal on Tuesday but the mood in France is hardening against Team Sky and the four-times winner, thanks in part to memories of the American

There is an old mantra in French cycling that no rider is bigger than the Tour de France and, in dramatically seeking to block Chris Froome from starting this year’s race, ASO, the promoter, has the bitter legacy of Lance Armstrong in mind.

In 2009, when Armstrong made his ill-fated comeback, the Tour brushed away suspicions and welcomed him with open arms. American audiences were flagging, the racing was pedestrian and the Tour lacked drama. The Texan was box-office and guaranteed profile and revenues. Three years later, however, came the American’s confession to a career built on doping. Since the Tour recognised he had made fools of it, new sensibilities have come into play.

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Written by Jeremy Whittle
This news first appeared on under the title “Tour bites back at Chris Froome after farce of Lance Armstrong’s return”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.