Tour chiefs frustrated after Froome verdict leaves them with egg on faces

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Chris Froome is clear to attempt a record-equalling fifth Tour de France victory but anti-doping experts are unhappy with the dearth of information following the resolution of his case

The verdict fell suddenly in the nine‑month saga of Chris Froome’s adverse analytical finding for Salbutamol. Most notably it wrongfooted the Tour de France organisers, who were expecting a court hearing on Tuesday morning to resolve their attempt, dating back three weeks, to refuse Froome entry to their race on the grounds that with the outcome in abeyance his presence would be damaging for the image of their race.

That attempt was rendered irrelevant immediately on Monday morning when a statement from the UCI cleared Froome of any wrongdoing. Crucially, given the length of time the process had taken, there were no hints of a possible appeal. There were also, however, few details from the governing body; an explanation came from the World Anti Doping Agency, which – the UCI made clear – had been involved from relatively early in the proceedings.

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Written by William Fotheringham
This news first appeared on under the title “Tour chiefs frustrated after Froome verdict leaves them with egg on faces”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.