Warrington feast on St Helens errors to seal shock Challenge Cup triumph

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• St Helens 4-18 Warrington
• Man of the match Daryl Clark seals victory with late try

Warrington produced a nerveless performance to win the Challenge Cup final against a St Helens side who buckled under the pressure. But the victors will know all too well how their opponents are feeling.

They arrived at Wembley 12 months ago themselves heavy favourites to win this trophy before succumbing to expectation against Catalans. Steve Price may well have been exaggerating when he described his side as the biggest underdogs in the final’s history, but he was right about one thing: nobody gave them a chance here.

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Written by Aaron Bower at Wembley
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/aug/24/st-helens-warrington-rugby-league-challenge-cup-final-match-report under the title “Warrington feast on St Helens errors to seal shock Challenge Cup triumph”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.