‘We’re not talking about it, we’re doing it’: Aims takes inclusivity action | Paul MacInnes

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The PFA has launched the Asian Inclusion Mentoring Scheme, giving youngsters in academies access to professional players

“As a player, I’m a centre-back. I’m quite like an old-school centre-back, you might say. I focus a lot on defending: on blocking shots, on heading and things like that.”

Kamran Kandola is a first-year scholar at Wolves. Just turned 17, he is at a crucial stage in his career as he seeks to earn a first professional contract with his hometown club. Fortunately he has been able to take advice on how best to approach the challenges ahead.

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Written by Paul MacInnes
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/feb/08/were-not-talking-about-it-were-doing-it-aims-takes-inclusivity-action under the title “

‘We’re not talking about it, we’re doing it’: Aims takes inclusivity action | Paul MacInnes

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