What a global rugby season should and shouldn’t look like in the future | Robert Kitson

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Bill Beaumont, World Rugby’s chairman, wants the best for his sport but is a safe pair of hands when innovation is needed

Every household in the world is currently playing the same game. Where would you most like to go when all this is over? How does the future ideally look? Never have there been so many blank sheets of paper, full of endless possibilities if the owner of the biro has the imagination.

It should theoretically suit rugby union better than most, given the amount of inky splodges, crossings-out and redrafts generated by the first 25 years of professionalism. Let’s be honest: which aspects of rugby’s global fixture calendar work entirely smoothly or are guaranteed to be bigger and better in 10 years time? Not many, as we currently sit here.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/may/05/mapping-the-future-what-a-global-rugby-season-should-and-shouldnt-look-like under the title “

What a global rugby season should and shouldn’t look like in the future | Robert Kitson

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