Wimbledon without surgery is ‘option B’ but Murray has a plan to ponder | Kevin Mitchell

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Andy Murray has two choices: to rest and sign off at Wimbledon in five months or, his preferred option, to have an operation

There was a moment of tranquillity after the tumult for Andy Murray as speculation swirled around Melbourne Park about where he would go from here, in what capacity and what state of mind.

Gone midnight, a few hours after losing as bravely as he ever has done – in five sets to Robert Bautista Agut in the first round of the Australian Open – Murray crept on to the unattended Rod Laver Arena, where he had lost five finals, and took out the camera on his phone. He swung it around, to no obvious end, and brought it back to settle on his sad features. He has rarely looked so sad. He lifted his right hand and, silently, waved goodbye.

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Written by Kevin Mitchell in Melbourne
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/jan/15/andy-murray-wimbledon-surgery-option-b under the title “Wimbledon without surgery is ‘option B’ but Murray has a plan to ponder | Kevin Mitchell”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.