World Cup 2018: Russia face Croatia in quarters, plus build-up to Brazil – live!

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And what of Juan Fernando Quintero? “I’m not fat; I just have a big arse,” he once quipped to fend off constant hounding by the South American press about his weight at one point in his career. Now, Colombia’s hopes against England rest in part on the midfielder’s shoulders, after a sterling start to the tournament that has left his coach Joseé Pekerman heralding him as a genius. That and more in this fascinating profile of the player by Carl Worswick.

Related: Colombia’s midfield magician Juan Quintero a throwback to bygone era

“We are a better team than four years ago,” says Colombia goalkeeper David Ospina. “We are together, more experienced and a stronger squad of players than we were in Brazil [where they reached the quarter-final]. We have experience and good quality. Our players play in the best clubs, the best leagues, and are used to playing in matches of this size, so nothing will frighten us. England are a good team but we did not mind who it was we would face. We just know we will give everything for our country and take strength from the support. We always give everything for our country. It’s such an honour to play for Colombia.”

Related: David Ospina says Colombia and their fans will not fear England

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Written by Mike Hytner (now) and Gregg Bakowski (later)
This news first appeared on under the title “World Cup 2018: Russia face Croatia in quarters, plus build-up to Brazil – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.