‘You want the title? OK, fight’: Guardiola challenges Arsenal before City clash

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Pep Guardiola has told Arsenal they will have to “fight” to take the Premier League title from Manchester City as the teams prepare to meet on Wednesday night.

Victory for City at Arsenal would make them leaders on goal difference, although Mikel Arteta’s team will have a game in hand. Guardiola’s side hope to secure the title for a third successive season, Arsenal for the first time since 2004. City’s manager was asked who is more motivated.

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Written by Jamie Jackson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/feb/14/you-want-the-title-ok-fight-guardiola-challenges-arsenal-before-city-clash under the title “‘You want the title? OK, fight’: Guardiola challenges Arsenal before City clash”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.